written by
Dermot Murphy

Family Photography - It's worth it. Honestly!

Family Photography 1 min read

Aoife came in for a session with us to capture her personality before she grows up too much. (She's only 3 and already she is so tall for her age!)

Mum and Dad were there too and we thought a family picture would be a great idea so Dad was put in his place at the bottom of the pile up with his girls jumping on top as these guys are obviously used to rough play at home and get on great together.

They may have jumped a little too hard (See photo on the left :-)) but the final result is an image that we are all proud of and will take pride of place in their home.

We suspect that every time they see it they will smile at the happy memories we made that day even if there was a bit of discomfort ;-)

Don't think that family photography has to be formal or stuffy. You can see it reflects the relationship between you and if it makes you smile then we have done our job well ;-)

Family Photography - It's worth it. Honestly!

If you'd like to find out more about our Family Photography packages please get in touch with us by filling in the form below.

Family Photography