written by
Dermot Murphy

Graduation Photography - The class of 2019

Queens University Graduation Photography 1 min read

The graduations are over for another season, and we are coming down to earth this morning after a full week of graduation photography.

We seem to panic every year and worry about all the things that need to be coordinated to create a good experience for our clients and every year we get through with a few hiccups. Not this year!

Graduation Photography

Each client was absolutely lovely, and we felt completely relaxed with them all.

Not a single appointment ran over. Everyone was on time, and no one was kept waiting. We didn't run out of ice or Prosecco (and there were even two bottles to take home;0) All of the images (5789 0f them) were named, backed up and coded between each client and everyone collected their product guide on the way out. Not a single graduate left their certificate behind!

We are so grateful to all the parents who supported their child (now fully independent adults) through this rite of passage in the full and certain knowledge that we parents get more pleasure from the results than the students do!)

The graduates go through the motions with little appreciation of the value these images will have in the future. The photo on Granny's wall will be an unspoken inspiration to the children doing their homework after school and the bride leaving the house will look at her Dad's portrait on his graduation day and take courage from the stable environment the man leading her down the aisle provided for her while she grew.

It is not an end to their studies but the beginning of their lives as independent people.

We are so proud of you all! You make the world a better place by trying to be the best versions of yourselves you could be, and that is absolutely amazing. Well done!

graduation photography